Managing Telematics Integration Vehicles

Managing Telematics Integration Vehicles

For managing vehicles related to an integration, you need to know the following identifiers:

  • integration_id: The telematics integration you'd like to manage the vehicles for.

  • integration_vehicle_id: The id of the vehicle, which serves as a unique identifier for that vehicle.

  • license_plate: The license plate of the vehicle that you'd like to connect or disconnect, which is used for allocation and shown in the user interface.

In addition to that, the following fields are returned:

  • provider_id: The Visibility Hub side unique identification of the provider

  • setup_document_url: The instructions for the carrier on how to setup the connection, presented in the onboarding flow.

Read on to get to know how to get these relevant identifiers.

GET Telematics Integrations

This endpoint enables you to list all telematics integrations that you have added to your account. In most cases, there will only be one.

The reason for you to use this endpoint is that you need to know the integration_id when listing/creating/deleting vehicles (see next chapters).

To list all telematics integrations, make an authenticated GET request as shown in the example below:


The response will look as follows:

{ "integrations": [ { "integration_id": "123", "setup_document_url": "https://sixfold.com/platform/telematics/daf-connect-v1-instructions", "provider_id": "dafconnect" }, { "integration_id": "678", "setup_document_url": "https://sixfold.com/platform/telematics/eco-truck-instructions",            "provider_id": "ecotruck" } ], "page_info": {} }

GET Telematics Integration Vehicles

This endpoint enables you to list all vehicles currently connected to a telematics integration.

To list all all vehicles, you need to provide the integration_id as URL parameter.

In the example below, we used the integraton_id = 123. Make an authenticated GET request as shown in the example below:


{ "vehicles": [ { "license_plate": "AB 12 CD", "integration_vehicle_id": "74948" }, { "license_plate": "EF 34 GH", "integration_vehicle_id": "74962" }, { "license_plate": "EF 55 FJ", "integration_vehicle_id": "74963" } ] }

POST Vehicles to a Telematics Integration

This endpoint enables you to connect vehicles for a telematics integration.

To connect a vehicle, make an authenticated POST request as shown in the example below:



{ "integration_vehicle_id": "abc", "license_plate": "EF 66 ZY" }

DELETE Vehicles from a Telematics Integration

This endpoint enables you to disconnect vehicles from a telematics integration.

In the example below, we used the integraton_id = 123 and vehicle license_plate = EF 34 GH 

To disconnect a vehicle, make an authenticated DELETE request as shown in the example below:

https://api.transporeon.com/rtv/v1/telematics-integrations/123/vehicles/EF 34 GH


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