Examples for all outgoing messages are available in our OpenApi sandbox.
Please navigate to our API reference swagger editor: API for Carriers
This API provides a sandbox that can be used to pull sample data as well as to send test data. It's use cases are to get a first impression of the API, download example messages and to do initial connectivity and integration tests.
General information
It does not require an account on the Transporeon platform
Requests are verified for mandatory fields and plausibility (if applicable), but not forwarded to backend processing
This means data will not be available on the Transporeon platform
Data sent to the sandbox are immediately discarded after the webservice request has been finished
The response contents (either success 20x or failure 40x, 50x) are sent according to the specification of the operations and may contain static demo data
To use the sandbox
Please use the following credentials:
Customer number: 123
Username: demo
Password: demo
Http header example:
Authorization: Basic ZGVtb0AxMjM6ZGVtbw==
OAuth 2.0 is not available for sandbox credentials