Time Slot Management provides functionalities around quantity contracts. The object contains the quantity contract data as listed in the table below and is used to push this data to the Transporeon platform.
Attribute | Description | Type (Length) | Example | Mandatory |
active | Active/inactive state of the contact | BOOLEAN | true | True |
additional_amount_1 | Value of additional amount | FLOAT | 20.5 | False |
additional_unit_1 | Unit of additional amount | CHAR(10) | PAL | False |
amount | Value of amount | FLOAT | 100.0 | True |
bookable | If time slots can be booked for the quantity contract | BOOLEAN | true | True |
description | Description of the quantity contract | CHAR(500) | Contract for XY for 1 month | False |
extensions | Encloses shipper specific data, see Booking Extension Entry. | False | ||
gate | Gate name where the quantity contract is related | CHAR(50) | City-North2 | True |
location | Location name where the quantity contract is related | CHAR(50) | Ulm | True |
material | Name of the material | CHAR(100) | Rice | True |
number | Quantity contract number | CHAR(100) | ABC-123 | True |
recipient_number | Goods recipient number | CHAR(50) | 123456 | False |
supplier_number | Supplier number | CHAR(50) | 654321 | False |
unit | Unit of amount | CHAR(10) | t | True |
valid_from | Date when the quantity contract starts | CHAR(25) | 2021-12-01 | True |
valid_until | Date when the quantity contract ends | CHAR(25) | 2022-06-01 | True |