Carrier Interfaces General Information

Carrier Interfaces General Information

Supported protocols

Please see Communication

Technical Message - and API descriptions

All technical descriptions can be downloaded from the locations documented at Technical Descriptions (CI)

General Messaging Concept

Our Carrier Interfaces are in general event- / messaging-based. This means our system generates messages as an event happens and either pushes it to an endpoint / server (depending on the transfer protocol) or stores it for a later PULL API request to download this message once.

This concept is different from for example CRUD, where you could read objects at any time and would have the possibility to execute atomic write operations.

In case you need to access objects after they have been transferred, you need to store them on your side (e.g. in a database).

SFTP Servers

If you choose communication via SFTP servers, there are 2 possibilities of data exchange via SFTP server:

Server Hosted on Carrier Side

Transporeon needs following information regarding the SFTP server access in the carrier's infrastructure:

  • SFTP server name

  • SFTP server ip address

  • User name

  • Password

  • Folder

IP addresses (e.g. for firewall grants) can be exchanged with the responsible project manager.

Transporeon SFTP Server

The carrier connects to the Transporeon SFTP server and retrieves the files from the respective folder. Account information for the Transporeon SFTP server will be provided by Transporeon during the interface project.

After getting the files from our SFTP server, please make sure that you delete the files afterwards. We do not delete files on the server.

Message Format Changes

Our platform evolves constantly. This means also our data formats will be constantly enhanced.

Such changes are always done in a non-breaking fashion. For a precise definition please see Breaking Changes Policy.

It is important to use non-validating parsers that allow addition of new fields and structures.

Splitting a Transport with Several Deliveries

If you plan to split a transport by the deliveries, please discuss this with your Transporeon project manager. The interface is transport-based. Therefore when splitting the transport into its deliveries, certain issues have to be taken into account to handle modifications.

Date Formats

The special date value 2000-01-01 (with or without time) indicates "undefined" / "unused" / "not applicable", equivalent to a null value.

Field Naming

Different services use different naming schemes for certain information. This table might help you navigating through our different APIs:

Visibility Hub API

Assigned Transports Interface

Tracking & Visibility Interface

Visibility Hub API

Assigned Transports Interface

Tracking & Visibility Interface


tour → @id



tour → number



shipment → @id



shipment → number









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