Get Shipper Specific Sample Files

Get Shipper Specific Sample Files

Sample files for Event Management status messages can now be directly downloaded from the Carrier API. The zip file not only contains XML examples for file based protocols, but now we also include JSON files that can be sent to the OpenApi.
Here you can find how to download the zip file, its structure and contents.

Download Zip File

API for Carriers

API End Point


Once you click on the link a dialog will appear asking for username and password. You can enter sandbox data to download a sample zip or the credentials to download the actual content.

Sandbox data


Structure and Content of the Zip File


XML File Content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <process_status> <transport_id>123456</transport_id> <scheduler_email>max@mustermann.de</scheduler_email> <delivery_number>D123456</delivery_number> <qualifier>status.begin</qualifier> <timestamp>2010-12-31T23:59:59+01:00</timestamp> <longitude>0.0</longitude> <latitude>0.0</latitude> <comment>Comment</comment> <parameters> <parameter> <!--Label: etaDropoffStop, type: DATETIME, required: null--> <qualifier>custom1</qualifier> <value>2010-12-31 23:59:59</value> </parameter> </parameters> </process_status>

JSON File Content

{ "qualifier": "status.begin", "timestamp_action": "2010-12-31T23:59:59+01:00", "transport_id": 123456, "shipment_id": null, "shipment_number": "D123456", "position": { "longitude": 0, "latitude": 0 }, "scheduler_email": "max@mustermann.de", "parameters": [ { "qualifier": "custom1", "value": "2010-12-31 23:59:59" } ], "comments": [ "Comment", "Parameter: custom1, label: etaDropoffStop, type: DATETIME, required: null"


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