Data Quality and Interfaces to Carrier Systems

Data Quality and Interfaces to Carrier Systems

To set up the connectivity between shipper and carriers in the most efficient way, Transporeon also provides interfaces to carriers’ in-house systems.

Data quality and the availability of important information within the transports and deliveries are crucial for the carriers.

To ensure maximum benefit from the usage of the Transporeon platform for all involved parties, following aspects are to be fulfilled:

  • The loading date of a delivery must be before its unloading date.

  • Loading station and unloading stations contain complete and correct address data.

  • Address data duplicates (due to different spellings) are removed.

  • Add important information in structured parameter fields to make them available in the export that is sent to the transport executing carriers.

  • Add a transport unit information for each transport and delivery, as this kind of information is important for the transport executing carriers.

  • Important information in comment fields is visible in the front-end application but the content is unstructured and thus it is not machine-readable for carrier. Parameters are a good alternative.

Best Practices

Together with our customers, we have identified some best practices that help to receive the maximum benefit from the Transporeon platform:

  • Address data of loading and unloading stations contains at least following information:

    • Company name

    • Street + building number

    • Country (represented with 2-letter code according to ISO 3166)

    • Postal code

    • City

  • Incoterm and the incoterm city are filled with one of standard values, see “Incoterms” section.

  • Precise date and time of loading and unloading windows.

  • Amount of storage positions is provided for each delivery.

  • Measurements are provided:

    • (Gross) weight and weight unit. Default unit is “t” (ton), see “Weight” section for other supported units.

    • Volume and volume unit. Default unit is “cbm” (cubic meter), see “Volume” section for other supported units.

Note, by default, the weights and volumes of deliveries are summed up automatically and are displayed on the transport level.

  • To secure enough details for transport execution, items of deliveries are provided with at least following information:

    • General item description

    • Material-, pallet- or any other reference number

    • Packaging

    • Dimensions and quantities, see examples in “Item” section

Any additional information will be always useful.

Following best practices cuts the need for support requests and manual work, which in turn leads to a higher degree of automation.

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