Technical Descriptions

Technical Descriptions

Data Transfer Objects

The interface uses data transfer objects (DTOs) for defining data to be transferred between Transporeon and the customer’s system. They are used in inbound direction to feed our backends and outbound messages to send corresponding data.

The DTOs are defined independently of the transport protocol in use.

Technical Descriptions


Use these descriptions if you are using our OpenApi for Shippers and Partners in PUSH (inbound) and / or PULL (outbound) setup.

Version 2 (latest):

Version 1 (deprecated):

OpenApi Push Notifications

Use these descriptions if you want to receive push notifications from our servers (outbound). For this scenario, it is required that you provide REST endpoints according to the following OpenApi specification:

If it is not feasible to implement a REST API based on the specification, an alternative approach would be to send messages to your system in XML format to a single endpoint using either POST or PUT methods. For further details, please consult the XSD section provided below.


The following WSDL specifies our SOAP webservice in PUSH (inbound) and PULL (outbound) setup.



Use the following description for these scenarios:

  • Receiving push messages from us

  • Pushing data to us with other protocols (e.g., SFTP, AS/2, plain HTTPS POST)


TP Essentials Template

You can download the Excel template for TPE (Transporeon Essentials) uploads at the following link:


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