Listing Transports Relevant for Visibility

Listing Transports Relevant for Visibility

This endpoint enables you to list all transports that are relevant for visibility, so that you know which transports to take care of.

You can choose from two different endpoints:

  1. Get transport details: Returns all details to a transport that matches the provided transport identifier

  2. Get transports sorted by start time: Returns all transports, sorted by transport start time, that are relevant for visibility

GET Transport Details

To get all details of exactly one specific transport, you must provide the following URL parameters:

  • The identifier_type that should be used to uniquely identify the transport. The available types are:

    • transport_id

    • transport_number
      --> see here for more infos on the definition of those fields.

  • The identifier_value: The actual value of the identifier.


To execute the request, make an authenticated GET request as shown in the example below:


In case the system was able to identify the transport by the provided identifier_type (transport_number in this example) and identifier_value (123456 in this example), the response looks as follows:

{ "transport_id": "81001122333", "transport_number": "123456", "start_time": "2023-10-03T03:00:00.000Z", "allocation": { "created_at": "2023-10-03T01:00:56.302Z", "license_plate_number": "UL-RTV 24157" }, "deliveries": [ { "delivery_id": "429907826", "delivery_number": "91548", "loading": { "location": { "location_id": "233576000", "gate_id": "233576276", "gate": "Road Visibility", "name": "Transporeon GmbH", "booking_location_name": "Ulm", "address": { "street_address": "Heidenheimer Str. 55/1", "city": "Ulm", "country": "DE", "zipcode": "89075" }, "position": { "lat": 48.409494987720315, "lng": 10.002513351656475 } }, "timeslot": { "begin": "2023-10-03T03:00:00.000Z", "end": "2023-10-03T03:15:00.000Z" }, "sequence_number": 0 }, "unloading": { "location": { "name": "Transporeon Sp. z o.o.", "address": { "street_address": "Generała Bohdana Zielińskiego 24", "city": "Kraków", "country": "PL", "zipcode": "30-320" }, "position": { "lat": 50.0448296924655, "lng": 19.915666024571095 } }, "timeslot": { "begin": "2023-10-02T22:00:00.000Z", "end": "2023-10-03T22:00:00.000Z" }, "sequence_number": 1 } } ], "visibility_stakeholders": [ { "company_id": "233576", "company_name": "Demo_Shipper TRANSPOREON" }, { "company_id": "352007", "company_name": "Demo_Carrier Visibility Hub" } ] }

GET Transports Sorted by Start Time

With that endpoint you can get all transports relevant for visibility, sorted by start time OR narrow them down by using various query parameters:

  • transport_number

  • transport_id

  • transport_filter:
    Transports with matching

    • transport_number

    • transport_id

    • delivery_number

    • purchase_order_number

    • order_number will be returned.

Supports partial search. This is especially helpful if the exact field used by the customer is not known / varies from customer to customer or if multiple transports/deliveries should be returned that match the same criteria.

  • vehicle_allocation_status: Whether the transport currently has an active vehicle allocation (allocated) or not (unallocated).

  • is_finished: See the definition here

  • start_time_before

  • start_time_after

  • end_time_before

  • end_time_after

  • company_id: The company_id of a company being part of that transport. Exposed in the visibility_stakeholder list.

  • custom_fields: The custom_fields exact key:value pair (for two key:value pairs search the result will be meeting at least one of them).

In this example, we want to fetch all transports which are within a specific start time by using the start_time_after and start_time_before query parameters.
To do so, make an authenticated GET request as shown below:


The response contains two transports, one started at 09:00 and the other at 09:15:

{ "transports": [ { "transport_id": "815157212", "transport_number": "129722", "start_time": "2023-10-03T09:00:00.000Z", "allocation": { "created_at": "2023-10-03T01:02:29.013Z", "license_plate_number": "UL-RTV 24168" }, "deliveries": [ { "delivery_id": "429907838", "delivery_number": "91529", "loading": { "location": { "location_id": "233576000", "gate_id": "233576276", "gate": "Road Visibility", "name": "Transporeon GmbH", "booking_location_name": "Ulm", "address": { "street_address": "Heidenheimer Str. 55/1", "city": "Ulm", "country": "DE", "zipcode": "89075" }, "position": { "lat": 48.409494987720315, "lng": 10.002513351656475 } }, "timeslot": { "begin": "2023-10-03T09:00:00.000Z", "end": "2023-10-03T09:15:00.000Z" }, "sequence_number": 0 }, "unloading": { "location": { "name": "Transporeon Sp. z o.o.", "address": { "street_address": "Generała Bohdana Zielińskiego 24", "city": "Kraków", "country": "PL", "zipcode": "30-320" }, "position": { "lat": 50.0448296924655, "lng": 19.915666024571095 } }, "timeslot": { "begin": "2023-10-02T22:00:00.000Z", "end": "2023-10-03T22:00:00.000Z" }, "sequence_number": 1 } } ], "visibility_stakeholders": [ { "company_id": "233576", "company_name": "Demo_Shipper TRANSPOREON" }, { "company_id": "352007", "company_name": "Demo_Carrier Visibility Hub" } ] }, { "transport_id": "815157211", "transport_number": "129721", "start_time": "2023-10-03T09:15:00.000Z", "allocation": { "created_at": "2023-10-03T01:02:22.994Z", "license_plate_number": "UL-RTV 24167" }, "deliveries": [ { "delivery_id": "429907837", "delivery_number": "91528", "loading": { "location": { "location_id": "233576000", "gate_id": "233576276", "gate": "Road Visibility", "name": "Transporeon GmbH", "booking_location_name": "Ulm", "address": { "street_address": "Heidenheimer Str. 55/1", "city": "Ulm", "country": "DE", "zipcode": "89075" }, "position": { "lat": 48.409494987720315, "lng": 10.002513351656475 } }, "timeslot": { "begin": "2023-10-03T09:00:00.000Z", "end": "2023-10-03T09:15:00.000Z" }, "sequence_number": 0 }, "unloading": { "location": { "name": "Transporeon Sp. z o.o.", "address": { "street_address": "Generała Bohdana Zielińskiego 24", "city": "Kraków", "country": "PL", "zipcode": "30-320" }, "position": { "lat": 50.0448296924655, "lng": 19.915666024571095 } }, "timeslot": { "begin": "2023-10-02T22:00:00.000Z", "end": "2023-10-03T22:00:00.000Z" }, "sequence_number": 1 } } ], "visibility_stakeholders": [ { "company_id": "233576", "company_name": "Demo_Shipper TRANSPOREON" }, { "company_id": "352007", "company_name": "Demo_Carrier Visibility Hub" } ] } ], "page_info": {} }



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