Booking (TSMBooking2Carrier)
This DTO contains data related to Transporeon's Time Slot Management and Time Slot Management for Retailers slot bookings.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description | Type (Length) | Product | Remarks |
@id | Booking identifier - unique | N4/20 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
timestamp | System timestamp of message creation | C1/19 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
document_reference | Reference number for this document / message. | C/100 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | This is a unique reference per transaction on our side. It can be used as a reference for our support teams. Note, it is not unique if a transaction on our side generated multiple messages. |
tournumber | Transporeon shipper specific booking number | C1/100 | TSM | Corresponds to the number of a related transport if there is any. This field is alpha-numeric. |
transport_number_numeric | Shipper specific numeric booking identifier | N4/100 | TSM | You might prefer booking id or tournumber fields over this |
transport_id | Unique Transporeon ID of the transport (if related) | N4/10 | TSM | |
delivery_numbers | Delivery / Order numbers of transport | C1/100 | TSM | List |
booking_number | Time slot management for retailers booking number | C | TSM for Retailers | |
genericDispatchStatus | Generic dispatch status of booking | C1/20 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | Value
status | Booking status | C1/1 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | Status
type | Type of booking | C | TSM & TSM for Retailers | Type
reservationValidUntil | Timestamp when reservation expires | C1/19 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | This is a local timestamp. It does not contain any usable timezone offset. Instead of that it represents the local date and time at the location. |
date_time_begin | Time slot begin | C1/19 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
date_time_end | Time slot end | C1/19 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
earliest_registration_time | Earliest allowed registration time | C1/19 | TSM for Retailers | |
latest_registration_time | Latest allowed registration time | C1/19 | TSM for Retailers | |
schedulerType | Role | C1/50 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | Type
retailer_id | ID of the related retailer | C | TSM for Retailers | |
retailer_name | Name of the related retailer | C | TSM for Retailers | |
carrier_id | Carrier ID | N1/20 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
carrier_name | Carrier name | C1/200 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
carrier_user_name | Carrier user name | N1/20 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
location_id | Location identifier | N1/20 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
location_name | Name of location | C1/200 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
gate_id | Gate identifier | N1/20 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
gate_name | Name of gate | C1/50 | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
driver_name | Name of driver | C | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
license_plate | Licence plate of truck | C | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
mobile_number | Cell phone number of driver | C | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
shipment_order | Transporeon pickup or dropoff sequence information | C | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
external_ids | Transporeon external transport identifier | C | TSM | |
loading_type | Transporeon transport mode | C1/50 | TSM | Standard Types
For special cases can be different types agreed. |
comment | Free text comment | C | TSM & TSM for Retailers | |
dispatchStatusList | List of dispatch status. See Dispatch Status (CI, Outbound) | TSM & TSM for Retailers | ||
extensionList | List of booking extensions. See Booking Extension (CI, Outbound) | TSM & TSM for Retailers | ||
attachments | List of attachments metadata. See Attachment (CI Bookings, Outbound) | TSM | ||
orderList | List of orders. See Orders (CI Bookings, Outbound) | TSM for Retailers |