Decline Transport
No-Touch Orders can be declined with this DTO.
Field Description
Field | Mandatory | Description |
transport_id | True | Unique Transporeon transport number |
scheduler_email | False | E-mail address of the responsible scheduler. Transporeon will match the provided e-mail address with all schedulers registered and active for the company. |
reason_qualifier | False | For some shippers it is mandatory to give a reason when declining a transport. Depending on the shipper, the qualifiers listed below are possible. Please contact your Transporeon project manager to agree on details. |
reason_comment | False | Option for the carriers to provide a reason comment when declining the transport. |
Reason Qualifiers
Qualifier | Description |
transport.declined.assignment.toolate | Transport Assignment too late (lead time) |
transport.declined.notruckcapacity | No truck capacity available |
transport.declined.nomegatrailer | No mega trailer available |
transport.declined.notfirstcarrier | Carrier is not the highest prioritized carrier (first carrier) for the lane. |
transport.declined.noforkliftlicense | No driver with fork lift license available |
transport.declined.notimeslot.atloadingstation | No time slot at loading station available |