Forwarder Transport Update

Forwarder Transport Update

Use Case

A forwarder wants to update transports for Freight Matching.


  • Transport, order, delivery and station data can be updated after creation. If you need to correct information of an existing transport, use the same data transfer objects and messages as for the transport creation (see “Transport creation” chapter).

  • The message should contain all transport data including values that are not subjects to change. If a transferred object does not contain non-mandatory attribute upon update, its previous value is cleaned up.

The update of a transport has an impact on propagation:

  1. If the transport was only created, it will just be updated

  2. If the transport is published as Spot or Auto Match, the publication will end. Offers from carriers are discarded. The transport is published again with the updated information

  3. If the transport is published as Direct Match and waiting for carrier confirmation, a new confirmation request with the updated information is created.

  4. If the transport is assigned to a carrier, the assignment will remain in place and the transport will be updated (This is the most common case for RTV standalone)

Visual Illustration

Steps and API References


POST /v2/transport_orders Pushes transport orders for asynchronous processing.

POST /v2/orders Pushes orders for asynchronous processing.

POST /v2/order_item_updates Pushes order item updates for asynchronous processing.

Transport Order DTOs (DTOs for Forwarders) are used to update transports.