Forwarders Use Cases
Whom is this page for?
You are a logistics company and you subcontract transports, as spot and/or direct
In addition you would like to get Visibility information via the Transporeon platform
You would like to integrate your inhouse system (usually a Transport Management System) with the Transporeon platform to manage these processes
Main User Groups
The interface supports two main purposes/customer groups:
Freight Matching: You work as a forwarder and use the Transporeon platform to connect with your carriers. You push transports from your in-house system, assign them directly to one carrier or publish transport to receive offers and select the best fitting carrier for the transport. You might want to receive the real time transportation visibility information back.
Transport Operation
Transport Assignment
Transport Assignment Spot Match (post transport, get offers, assign to one carrier)
Transport Assignment Direct Match (assign to one carrier)
Transport Assignment Auto Match (use artificial intelligence for matching)
Allocate a vehicle to a transport
Receive visibility data into your inhouse system
Send visibility data from your inhouse system
RTV standalone for LSP: You directly assign a transport via the Transporeon platform to one carrier with the main goal to receive visibility status and ETA for the transport.
Please note: RTV standalone describes the process for shipper customers, while this section describes the process for LSPs
Transport Operation
Transport Assignment
Transport Assignment - Direct Match (in case you want to assign the transport to a different carrier)
Allocate a vehicle to a transport
Receive visibility data into your inhouse system
Send visibility data from your inhouse system