Request Settlement
The shipper can send a request to a carrier for Freight Settlement.
Attribute | Description | Type (Length) | Example | Mandatory |
transport_number | Transport number Use this field if settlement is requested for a single transport, | CHAR(50) | ABC123 | False |
number | Unique number of the requested freight settlement | CHAR(50) | 556677 | True |
carrier_creditor_number | Carrier creditor number receiving the request | CHAR(50) | CARRIER01 | False |
price | Price amount of the requested settlement | FLOAT | 29.99 | False |
currency | Currency of the requested settlement | CHAR(3) | EUR | False |
item | Requested settlement items list, see Settlement Item | False |
Note that a settlement can be requested for one transport, then you can specify the transport number in the request_settlement DTO. It can also be requested for multiple transports. In this case, the transport number is specified separately for each settlement_item object.