Attribute | Description | Type (Length) | Example | Mandatory |
carrier_creditor_number | Carrier creditor number | CHAR(50) | CARRIER01 | True |
category | Category of the surcharge | CHAR(50) | Additional costs | True |
currency | Surcharge currency | CHAR(3) | EUR | True |
decline_reason | Decline reason when the surcharge was declined | CHAR(50) | Duplicate | False |
delivery_number | Delivery number | CHAR(50) | XYZ456 | False |
description | Surcharge description, free text | CHAR(255) | VGM handling fee | False |
id | Id of the surcharge | INTEGER | 12345678 | True |
level | Indicates the level the surcharge is related to Level
| CHAR(20) | DELIVERY | True |
parameters | List of surcharge parameters, see Parameter | False | ||
price | Surcharge price | FLOAT | 29.99 | True |
qualifier | Identifier of the surcharge type | CHAR(50) | Equipment related | True |
status | Indicates the status of the surcharge Status
| CHAR(20) | DECLINED | True |
timestamp | Timestamp of the event that triggered the message | CHAR(29) | 2020-02-10T15:12:32.000+01:00 | True |
transport_number | Transport number | CHAR(50) | ABC123 | True |
user | Details of the shipper/carrier user who triggered the surcharge, see User Details This field contains the carrier user who triggered a surcharge request or the shipper user who accepted/declined a surcharge. | True |