Station (CI)
Field Descriptions
Field | Description | Type (Length) | Mandatory | Remark |
@id | Transporeon station ID | N4/10 | True | Unique ID on Transporeon Platform. This ID is not being re-used for other stations. |
@type | Loading or unloading station | N4/10 | True | Values: loading, unloading |
shipment_id | Delivery / Order number in the shipper's system | C 1/20 | False | See description on shipment level for more details |
avis | Text Avis | C1/100 | False |
company_name | Company name | C1/200 | False |
address | Street and number | C1/100 | False |
zip | Postal code | C1/20 | False |
city | City | C1/100 | False |
region | Region | C1/100 | False |
country_id | Country code | C1/2 | False | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 |
loading_name | Shipper specific location or stop identifier | C1/50 | False |
loadingramp | Name of ramp/gate | C1/50 | False |
from_date | Loading/unloading window start date | C1/10 | False | YYYY-MM-DD |
from_time | Loading/unloading window start time | C1/8 | False | HH:MM:SS |
until_date | Loading/unloading window end date | C1/10 | False | YYYY-MM-DD |
until_time | Loading/unloading window end time | C1/8 | False | HH:MM:SS |
fixed_date_loading | Loading/unloading fixed date | N4/10 | False | YYYY-MM-DD |
transportunit_name | Type of loading aid | C1/50 | False |
transportunit_count | Number of loading aids | N4/10 | False |
transportunit_pileable | Loading aid is stackable | C1/1 | False | 0 or empty = false 1 = true |
transportunit_exchange | Loading aid has to be exchanged | C1/1 | False | 1 = true, if missing the exchange could also be indicated in e.g. a comment |
comment | Station comment | C1/3000 | False | This is free text and may be subject of change at any time. We strongly recommend to not parse values from this field. |
comment_plain_text | Station comment | C1/3000 | False | This is free text and may be subject of change at any time. We strongly recommend to not parse values from this field. |