Offer (CI, Outbound)
Field Descriptions
Field | Description | Type (Length) | Mandatory | Remark |
@id | Transporeon offer ID | N4/10 | True | Unique |
tour_id | Transporeon transport ID | N4/10 | True | Unique |
timestamp | Date and time of offer | C1/19 | False | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
disponent_name | Name of responsible scheduler | C1/100 | False |
creditor_number | Creditor number | C1/20 | False |
price | Offer price | F4/9 | False | 590.00 |
currency_id | Currency of offer price | C1/3 | False | ISO 4217 |
qualifier | Type of offer price | C1/20 | False | Frachtrate, |
comment | Offer comment | C1/3000 | False | This is free text and may be subject of change at any time. We strongly recommend to not parse values from this field. |
comment_plain_text | Offer comment | C1/3000 | False | This is free text and may be subject of change at any time. We strongly recommend to not parse values from this field. |
binding_until_date | End date of validity of offer | C1/10 | False | YYYY-MM-DD |
binding_until_time | End time of validity of offer | C1/8 | False | HH:MM:SS |