Ocean & Sea Transports Tracking and Tracing

Ocean & Sea Transports Tracking and Tracing

For ocean and sea transports, SSI provides exports of ocean process statuses, generated based on SCAC, container number and other vessel and delivery specific information.
A list of ocean process statuses can be found here: Automatic Ocean Process Statuses

Be aware that to initiate ocean real time visibility, transports pushed from customer’s in-house system to Transporeon, should contain at least mandatory parameter visibility.ocean.product = true.
See Parameter.
Assigned carriers would also need to provide data like SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code), container number, master booking number and bill of lading via Transporeon UI or Carrier Interface, if not provided by shipper. See Reserved Parameter Qualifiers

The structure of process_status DTO is described in chapter Process Status.

Ocean transport ETA (estimated time of arrival) and ATA (actual time of arrival) are exported in parameters of the ocean process status. This is different to road ETA exports where a separate object is used for ETA.

Following is how to read the message parameters:

  • "custom1” parameter contains an information about location name, where the process status change appears

  • “custom2” parameter returns location UNLOCODE, if available

  • “custom3” parameter contains expected time when the ocean transport process status is expected to be applied

  • “custom4” parameter represents actual timestamp when the status is changed, if provided with the process status.

Note, ocean transport may contain other customer specific parameters if configured.

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