Asynchronous Processing Results

Asynchronous Processing Results

The Shipper Standard Interface APIs (OpenApi, SOAP), but also other data transfer options like SFTP and AS/2, are asynchronous in it's nature. Protocol-level acknowledgements (e.g. http code 202) just confirm that data have been received, but incoming messages are then transferred to our processing backends via message bus and processed asynchronously.

Usually we provide incident management options to inform about issues (data related and / or technical errors) during processing. But in some cases it might be required to get direct feedback about the processing results to an endpoint.

In this case we can send Processing Result messages to an endpoint on your side.

For complex integration setups it is also possible to send such messages to our end. Please note there is no standard handling available on our side. It will be required to agree on requirements how to handle these messages as part of integration projects, which may be also charged.








Processing Result

Processing Result

POST /v2/processing_results

GET /v2/processing_results/pull