Transport / Delivery Update and Cancellation

Transport / Delivery Update and Cancellation

Transport, order, delivery and station data can be updated after creation. In case relevant information are modified in your system, the information can be forwarded to Transporeon. Use the same data transfer objects and messages as for the transport creation (see “Transport creation” chapter). The message should contain all data including values that are not subject to change, unless stated otherwise in the documentation. If a transferred object does not contain non-mandatory attribute upon update, its previous value is removed.

Changes of the data are shown in Transporeon UI. Carriers that are connected via an interface to the Transporeon platform will receive an update / cancellation message directly into their system.

If you like to add a new order / delivery to an already existing transport, the complete transport with the additional delivery should be sent to Transporeon.

There are two following possibilities if you need to cancel a delivery of a transport:

  • Recommended: Send the transport again without the delivery

  • Send the transport again with the delivery ‘status’ set to “D” (Deleted)

In both cases the delivery will be removed from the transport on Transporeon platform.

If you want to cancel a transport, send the same transport DTO with the value of ‘status’ field set to “D” (Deleted). If predefined conditions and allowed cancellation window are met, the complete transport and its deliveries are cancelled. In case a time slot has been already booked for this transport, it will be automatically cancelled as well.

Note, Transporeon Shipper Standard Interface processes transport push messages asynchronously. If you use our APIs or webservices, an HTTP response indicates that the request is accepted and will be processed in the background.








Create a transport order

Transport Order

POST /v2/transport_orders

Create an order / delivery for manual planning


POST /v2/orders