Provide real-time visibility
  • Carrier
  • Provide real-time visibility

    Start providing real-time visibility today. You can provide the information about the location of a vehicle, the ETA and status of each delivery from a transport order. It allows you to avoid numerous manual checks, e-mails or phone calls.

    You can provide visibility through:

    • Direct GPS (telematics) connection with Visibility

    • Connecting your subcontractors to Visibility

    • Other connections (Transporeon Trucker, TMS interface - API)


    You can choose between one or more options, depending on your fleet setup and technical readiness.

    The setup of direct GPS connection with Visibility is quick and effortless.

    Sign-in to Transporeon and click the Visibility tile. If you have not yet accepted the terms and conditions of use for Visibility, a pop-up window will allow you to quickly do so.

    Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the survey related to your visibility options. Once the survey is completed, your Visibility account is created.

    In order to connect your GPS – FMS provider or telematics go to Settings and click Add integration.

    If you frequently use subcontracted carriers and their fleet to carry out transports, connect them to your network. Your subcontractor must have a GPS (telematics) system or an FMS provider.

    Go to Transport Network, then to Onboarding and click Invite carriers.

    For Transporeon Trucker we strongly recommend ensuring in advance readiness of devices (phone, tablet) and appointing a key user in your company who can take over the training of the drivers in the use of the app.

    For TMS interfaces you can download in advance from Transporeon-Help, Download area the technical documentation for our Tracking & Visibility interface and Vehicle allocation interface.

    You can request Customer Services assistance, if you need more information on Transporeon Trucker or on TMS interfaces (https://support.transporeon.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/16/create/481).

    This function is available for carriers.

    data classification: public

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