For shipper
  • Shipper
  • For shipper


    If you are a registered user of a shipper account, please log in via https://rep.tnx.co.nz/ using your email address and your password. In case you need a new one, please click on Forgot password? and enter your email address. Subsequently, you will receive an email to create your new password for the login.


    Create an offer

    You can create an offer by clicking on Add Cargo. You’ll be able to enter the pickup and delivery address and time, the cargo reference, the pricing, the cargo type that should be used, the measures of the load, the vehicle loading, the cargo reference, the expiry date of the offer, and a carrier restriction if needed. At the very end, you are displayed an overview of the new cargo that you want to add to the platform to verify whether all data are correct and you can eventually submit it.

    Find your cargos

    In general, there are three tabs:

    • unmatched

    • overbids

    • matched

    Under UNMATCHED you can find the loads that have been created but that currently no carrier has accepted. You can also edit and delete them if necessary. Furthermore, you can also open the cargos to check details such as the reserve price entered when creating the cargo, the predicted price and also the expected time when the offer will be matched to a carrier. Additionally, you can accept a current bid by clicking Match For, make a counter offer via Bid Now or reject it completely. Moreover, you can also see which carriers can access this offer by clicking on the button on the top right.

    Under the tab OVERBIDS you’ll see those cargos on which a carrier bid with a sum which is higher than the reserve price entered during the creation of the offer. If you would like to access the cargos that have been accepted by a carrier, you need to go to MATCHED. You can also find all details about the cargos here and cancel the shipment if necessary.

    Invite new users and user management

    In order to add new users, you need to access the TEAM section by clicking on the top right side on Autonomous Procurement. By clicking on Invite User a new user can be added to the account. Furthermore, you can decide whether the user should only be able to access the offers and to accept or to bid on them (Regular User) or whether the new user should also be able to manage the users of the account (Admin).

    Additionally, in the tab ACTIVE USERS you can find all users that are listed in your account and which role they have. If a team member leaves your company or does no longer need access to Autonomous Procurement, you simply have to click Remove.

    Furthermore, you can also check which users you have already invited to the platform but which haven’t signed up so far under INVITED USERS and you can also delete the invitation or resend the invitation mail to your colleague.

    Please note that you need to have the admin rights so as to be able to access this section.

    Edit settings

    You can adjust your settings by clicking on SETTINGS on the top right side on Autonomous Procurement.

    Under Email Notifications you can determine which emails sent out by the system you wish to receive. If you don’t want to receive any of them, click Off in the Toggle All line.

    If you want to change the language of the settings, you can select the appropriate one after clicking Language on the left side.

    Access two or more accounts

    Even if you are registered in two (or more) accounts on Autonomous Procurement, you only have one user in general. However, in such a case you will have a grey bar on the bottom left side on the platform by clicking on which you can select which of the accounts you currently want to use.

    Request support

    If you need further assistance or if you have any questions, we encourage you to contact the Transporeon Support. You can either create a request or call us. You can either create a request or give them a call. You can find the phone numbers for the support on Transporeon or in the Help Centre System, where you can also raise a request.

    If you call our support number, please select the number 2 when hearing the digital receptionist.

    If you decide to raise a request, please select the product Autonomous Procurement (TXN).






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